Rose Sweet
Rose Sweet

It’s a tough decision to make!
Someone you love or care about has invited you to their wedding and you know there is something wrong.
Is what they are considering doing really a good thing?
Is there something troubling your spirit?
You’re just not sure you should attend and are considering saying NO. Still, you don’t know why, exactly, or you don’t have the language to explain your thoughts and feelings.
Even more troubling is the fear of offending them, looking self-righteous, not being understood, and even losing the relationship with them and others as a result.
If you refuse, are you being intolerant, unloving, or unchristian? Some will certainly accuse you of that…
I’ve been there and have some answers for you
Sadly, I was once the bride who married outside the Church. I understand what it is to think you are a “good person” and be hurt when others refuse to attend. But I have been on the other side of it now, changed by a deeper understanding of the human person, the reality of marriage, and the timeless wisdom of the Church. If you’d like some input, feel free to download the free EBOOK.