Catholic Coaching

Let’s make a plan!

  Cut through the confusion with clarity and common sense.

  Draw from the truths in the Catholic faith, including the wisdom in Scripture.

  Book now for a step-by-step plan to get you (or your parish or group) to where you want to be!

For Individuals

Catholic Life Coaching, Relationship Coaching, Divorce Healing

Life Coaching
Declutter, get on a budget, change jobs, grow in faith, reorder your relationships …set and enforce healthy boundaries! Bring clarity, purpose, order, beauty, peace, calm, and fun back into your life.

50 minutes – $100

Personal Retreat
Come to the peaceful and beautiful California desert (Palm Springs area) for a 1 or 2 day retreat of personalized coaching for YOU (includes comfy accommodations, meals, cocktails, & materials). Email Rose for info.

Specialized Coaching

Relationship Coaching
For those discerning marriage, struggling in marriage, or having difficulties in parenting, work, or other relationships.

50 minutes – $100

Divorce Healing
Facing unique struggles such as custody, visitation, financial settlement, forgiveness, dating, annulment, & living single.

50 minutes – $100

Annulment Coaching
A specialized package for assisting either Petitioner or Respondent. Time and price depends on your specific case needs.

Email Rose for more info.

For Creatives

Rose will create an intensive 2-Day workshop tailored just to you!

Discover your unique brand, colors, message, style, and web/materials design to take your speaking, writing, or coaching business to the next level.

Content – Product, Books, Courses
You need to write that book, develop that course, start that podcast! I’ll show you how to make it fun, easy, and profitable.

Become a Better Speaker
The world needs your message; let’s polish it, perfect it, and make a profit beside!

Email Rose to create and plan your custom workshop.

For Groups

Day or Weekend Retreats for your groups: women, marriage retreats, and more.

Conference or Parish Missions
Single talks, missions, or content tailored to your group or special event. Basic talks HERE.

Divorce Healing Retreat
Unique struggles such as custody, visitation, financial settlement, forgiveness, annulment, dating, & living single.

Divorce & Annulment Ministry – Leader Training
Full-day training or Zoom Mini-Training or Workshop; email Rose for more info and scheduling.

Email Rose to plan your custom event.